There’s no doubt that Rusty Malinoski is one of the hardest working athletes in the sport today. While talking about his training regiment, Rusty mentioned that the older he gets, the harder he has to work to keep his body in peak physical condition. If you’ve ever watched him ride you know why he needs to be there, he goes big on every trick, from the technical to the stylish, and everything is on lock. When Rusty wants to land something new or capture it perfectly on film, he may make over 100 attempts, as was the case with his Alliance Wakeboard Magazine cover this summer. All the dedication and passion Rusty has for wakeboarding paid off this season, with a win at the Masters and most recently at the World Championships. This is the second time Rusty holds the 2 most prestigious titles in wakeboarding in the same year, having first clinched these wins in 2009 and now repeated this season. Congratulations to Rusty on a season full of achievement. Watch Rusty’s winning run here